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The Work of Christmas Part I

The college football season is almost over. One more game to crown the National Champion and then the college athletes are off for a couple of months before Spring Practioce, or, for a select few, a couple months to prepare for the combine and the NFL draft. A handful of college athletes who have been living in a tiny, smelly dorm with three other students and eating Ramen noodles four times a week are about the become multi-millionaires in a matter of minutes. I always enjoy the interviews after the player's  name is called. The commentators want the kids to talk about the fact that they will soon have more money than they know what to do with, and the kids, don't want to talk about that.  Almost every time, the interview goes soemthing like this: Commentator: So Trevor, how does it feel to be drafted number one overall? That's goiong to be quite a paycheck, right? Trevor: It's an honor. I'm just ready to get to work. Ready to get to work. It makes me think about t...

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